
User Types

There are three user types:


  1. Can manage the entire system.
  2. Can login to any user account.
  3. View Reports


  1. View the assigned orders as tasks
  2. Can browse for work (if enabled from staff settings)
  3. Can place bids on orders (if enabled from staff settings)
  4. Upload deliverable items and submit work
  5. Discuss the task with Customers in the messages forum that is associated with the order. (if enabled from the order settings)
  6. Update self-profile (bio, skills, preferred method to receive payment)
  7. Bill for completed tasks


  1. Place order
  2. View the list of orders placed and their status
  3. Can assign orders to writers (if enabled from staff settings)
  4. Download delivered items by writers
  5. Request for a revision
  6. Discuss with Admin or Writer in a messages forum that is associated with the order. (if enabled from the order settings)

** All user types can place their own order from their panel

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