
Price Calculation

The system uses the following formula to calculate the total price of an order

Total = ((( Price of Service + Price of Subject Price of Work Level + Price of Urgency + Price of Writer Category) x Number of Pages) + Total of Price of Slides + Total of Price of  Sources + Total of Price of Charts + Total of Price of Additional Services) – Discount

Price of Subject = The percentage (set by admin) of the base price of a selected service item by the customer

Price of Work Level = The percentage (set by admin) of the base price of a selected service item by the customer

Price of Urgency = The percentage (set by admin) of the base price of a selected service item by the customer

Price of Writer Category = The percentage (set by admin) of the base price of a selected service item by the customer

Total Price of Slides = Price Per Slide x  Number of Slides

Total Price of Sources = Price Per Source x  Number of Sources

Total Price of Charts = Price Per Charts x  Number of Charts

Discount = The percentage (set by admin) of the total price of an order

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