
Managing orders

When an order is received a notification email will be sent to the email address set in the general settings page. You can access the list of orders by clicking on the Order List link from the left menu.



Writers place bids on the order

When an order is placed the writers who have the appropriate category and skill that match the order can place bids on the order. Admin can allow or disallow the writers to place bids on the orders from the admin panel.

Customer chooses a suitable writer

When the writers place a bid on an order, the information (reviews/ratings) of the writers shows on the customer order details page. And the customer assigns the order to a writer.

Admin chooses a suitable writer

As an admin, after receiving an order you can assign it to a writer. Alternatively, if the ‘Browse Work’ and ‘Place Bid’ option is enabled on the Staff Setting page then it would allow all writers to browse through new orders and place bid on the orders.

Writer starts working

When an order is assigned as a Task by the admin, the writer will receive an email notification and when the writer will start working the status will change to in progress.

Writer request more time

If the writer is unable to complete a task on time, they can request an extension of the deadline from the customer. The customer retains the authority to either accept or reject the writer’s request.

Writer submits work

After the task is ready the writer will upload the deliverable files in a zip file and submit the work. Both customer and the admin will receive an email notification.

Customer reviews the work

After downloading the files, the customer will review the work. If he is not satisfied he may request for a revision. Otherwise, he will click on a button called “Accept” to let the authority know that he accepted the task, upon which the Order will be marked as complete.

Customer rates the work

After delivery is accepted, the customer will be asked to leave a rating based on his satisfaction level with the work. Since this is optional the customer may skip from leaving a rating.


Order statuses

Unpaid-  Default status, when an order is just received and unpaid.

New-  Automatically changes, when an order is paid.

In progress   –  Manually changed by a writer when he starts working on a task

Submitted for approval  –  Automatically changes when a writer submits a work to the customer

Requested for revision  –  Automatically changes, when the customer requests for a revision of the task

Complete  –  Automatically changes, when the customer accepts the submitted work

On hold  –  Requires manual change by admin

Canceled  –  Requires manual change by admin

Refunded  –  Requires manual change by admin

Pending-  Requires manual change by admin

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