Application & Website Features
Admin Panel Features
Platform Settings
The admin area can control everything from processing fee settings to the number of orders and ratings to attain different writer levels, logo, coupon settings, payment settings and so much more
Payment Approval
Admin can approve or decline Offline Payments. When an order is posted by a customer through offline payment, it comes to the admin panel first for approval. However, the customer can still preview the order live, but the order is not yet live to writers until approved by the admin. Admin can either approve or decline.
Read All Messages
All messages between the customer and the writer appear in the admin panel as well. Admin can go through messages to see if users are following the rules and regulations of the site.
Request Approval
When a user posts a writer request, it comes first to the admin panel. Here, the admin either chooses to accept the request or decline it.
Create Categories
Admin can create and edit writer categories right from the admin panel.
Writer Skills
Admin can set up (create, edit & delete) the writer skills used on the platform.
Customer Support
We built a powerful support system on this platform. Users can send direct messages to support, and admins can try to solve them. This is a huge module to help admin provide amazing customer support to users.
Coupon Setup
Admins can create and display coupons on the order page. When creating a coupon, the admin has to fill in the coupon: price, code, limit and duration. Admin can also edit and delete coupons. Coupon codes have a lifespan and number of allowed uses which is set by the admin.
Terms & Conditions
Admin can set up edit terms, conditions etc. these items will show on the term & conditions page.
View All Users
Admin can view all users and writers in the system. They can keep track of them. They also have the option to activate and inactivate users. This comes in handy when users are acting shady.
Login As users
Admins can login as any user and writer on the platform. This comes in handy when an admin wants to check out a user’s account may be because of a dispute or when the user requests the admin to help set up something in his or her dashboard.
View Orders
Admins can see all the orders made through the system. Admins also have the options to view the order details or cancel the orders
See All Files
Admins have a record of all files that are uploaded into the system by customers and writers. That is, files uploaded in the order page area.
Create other Admins
Admins can create other admins to help control some of the workloads.
Activity Logs
With this feature, admins can keep track of what customers and writers are doing. A useful feature especially when someone messes up.
Writers Test
Admin can take a test from the writers by giving some multiple-choice questions when they apply as a writer.
Writer Panel Features
Browse Work
Writers can browse work ordered by the customer. Writers can browse work according to their level.
Place Bid On Order
Writers can place bids on the orders. So that the customers can see their ratings and can hire them.
Manage Tasks
All the tasks of a writer are placed on the task page. This page contains info pertaining to the writer such as, completed orders, new orders, canceled orders, In progress etc.
Request Increasing Order Deadline
Sometimes the writer cannot complete an order before the deadline. He/she may then request an extension of time.
Request For Payment
After completing one or multiple orders writers can send a request to the admin for the job they have done.
Manage Profile
Writers can update their profile image, name country, skill etc.
Writer Levels
All writers are ranked in levels based on the number of good ratings, order deliveries and reputation on the platform. These levels range from standard, Premium & Platinum writer. The configuration for this setup is done in the admin panel.
Customer Panel Features
Making Order
Customers can make an order easily from the order page by selecting the services and other topics according to their requirements.
Choose Writer
After making an order the writers can place a bid on the order if the place bid system is allowed by the admin. And the customer can choose a writer for his/her order.
Order Tracking
Customers can see all their orders those that are delivered, pending, canceled, completed etc. They can also increase the number of pages/words, and choose another work level, urgency, and category from the order details page.
Virtual Wallet
This platform comes with a digital wallet whereby customers can add money to it. The money in this wallet is known as a wallet balance. Customers can make an order using their wallet balance.
Contact Admin & Writer
In this script, customers can see their admin and writer on the order details page message tab. They can easily contact them. The admin can see all the messages between the customer and the writer. The admin can control the messaging system from the admin panel.
Manage Profile
customers can update their profile image, bio, name, and country on the edit profile page.
Apply Coupon Code
We also built a coupon code system that allows the admin to hand out coupon codes for the orders. This coupon code can cut a percentage amount from the main price. Customers can see the coupon code on the order page and apply it.
Download The Delivery
Customers will see a downloadable file on the order details page when the order will be delivered by the writer. And the customers can download the file.
Ratings System
After completing the order customer can rate the writer. In this way, other customers are more informed about the quality of the writer’s content.
Website/Frontend Features
User Login/Sign Up
People can register/login for accounts. The process is simple and straightforward.
The Front page website contains services that are set right from the admin panel.
Responsive Design
The design is clean, modern and very responsive on different screen sizes. The design works perfectly on different browsers as well.
Top Writers Page
Guest users can see the top 10 writes. This page contains the writer’s ratings, completed order, and assigned order.
Reviews page
On the reviews page, there is a feature that shows the recent orders and client reviews and ratings on the orders and the order completed date.
Blog page
Users can read the blog posts posted by the admin.
How To Order Page
On this page, the customer will see how they will order on the system. They will get proper directions to make an order and the order process.
FAQ Page
This page contains the Frequently Ask Questions that most of the customers ask or want to know about the website, writer, etc.
Contact Us Page
The users can reach out to the admin directly by sending an email to the admin from this page.