
SMS Setup

The SMS system allows for direct communication between the website and its customers via text messages. Customers can provide their phone numbers and opt to receive updates, notifications, and important information related to their orders through SMS. The system sends automated messages to customers regarding order confirmations, status updates, payment reminders, or delivery notifications. You can either choose Vonage or Twilio’s API service for sending SMS. To configure your SMS please follow the following steps:

  • Go to SMS from the left menu
  • Now choose “Twilio” or “Vonage” based on your preference and fill up the rest of the form. If Vonage is selected, then you have to put the Vonage SMS from address, Vonage API key and the API secret. If Twilio is selected then put the Twilio SMS from address, Twilio Auth Token and the Twilio SID
  • For Signup enter the “Verification Max Attempts”, “Seconds Of Validation” and “Attempts Ban Seconds”

Enable or Disable the SMS:

Check the boxes if you want to enable SMS notification from your system.

Enable SMS Verification

Enable For New Order

Enable For Order Assigned

Enable For Started Working

Enable For Work Submit

Enable For Request Revision

Enable For Order Complete

Enable For Payment Request

Enable For Payout Processed

Enable For Payment Approved

Enable For Payment Disapproved

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