Getting Started
Current version 1.0
User Types
There are three user types:
- Can manage the entire system.
- Can login to any user account.
- View Reports
- View the assigned orders as tasks
- Can browse for work (if enabled from staff settings)
- Can place bids on orders (if enabled from staff settings)
- Upload deliverable items and submit work
- Discuss the task with Customers in the messages forum that is associated with the order. (if enabled from the order settings)
- Update self-profile (bio, skills, preferred method to receive payment)
- Bill for completed tasks
- Place order
- View the list of orders placed and their status
- Can assign orders to writers (if enabled from staff settings)
- Download delivered items by writers
- Request for a revision
- Discuss with Admin or Writer in a messages forum that is associated with the order. (if enabled from the order settings)
** All user types can place their own order from their panel